
Catchin’ Deers

Become1 TV

Become1 TV

Bowhunter TV / Bowhunter Magazine

The Crush TV

The Crush TV

Everything Eichler

Grace, Camo, and Lace

Grace, Camo, and Lace

HeadHunters TV

HeadHunters TV



Red Rising

Rush Outdoors

Winchester Deadly Passion

Wired Outdoors
Catchin’ Deers
My favorite animal to hunt: I like steak and they ain’t cheap, I’ll chase anything with loins.
My favorite place to hunt: Close to the camp. I love huntin’ but I hate walkin’.
My best hunting memory: Take a look in my freezer and I’ll show you.
Become1 TV
My favorite animal to hunt: I grew up with whitetail and turkey being “the” animal that we hunted every year. Big Game, such as elk and moose were only a dream for me as a kid. Having the opportunities, I have been blessed with currently, the rocky mountain elk takes the cake for me hands down. From the sites to the sounds and the hunt itself, there is no other animal that gets me that adrenaline rush, like a 1000lb bugling bull elk.
My favorite place to hunt: We are fortunate to get to travel all over the US hunting all different types of animals. But for me, when I get to come home, be with my family and hunt what most would say is the toughest animal on the planet to hunt. Whitetail in Ohio is where I want to be.
My best hunting memory: My greatest memories in life are the ones spent hunting with family and friends no doubt. But the one that sticks on my head as #1 to this date and will probably remain there forever. Is the day I shot my first mule deer buck in Montana. It was with 2 of my best friends, Jason Matzinger and Jason Kalafut. I was hunting out west, which I had never done before and made a 1 mile stalk to the top of a butte that stood out like a sore thumb. With absolutely nothing else around it but sage and dirt, this buck sat in the shadows at the very top. I stalked to within 5 yards of that buck and made a perfect shot. My first western animal, an unbelievable hunt and episode 1 of our very first season which kicked off our television series. By far my best hunting memory and one that I am very thankful for.
Become1 TV
My favorite animal to hunt: Being from the Northeast, Whitetail was always the most popular animal to hunt and to me the most challenging. Even after I chasing some different critters across the Country to me there is still nothing like playing a chess match with a big mature whitetail.
My favorite place to hunt: I always dreamed of chasing Elk as a kid so when I got to chance to hunt Elk in Montana I jumped at the opportunity, to this day there is not a trip or place I look forward to more.
My best hunting memory: My greatest memory is still my first Ohio whitetail hunt, I chased a certain buck for days having multiple encounters throughout the week. After hanging a set where I thought the buck was spending most of his time, I waited for the next morning planning to sit all day. At 10:00 in the morning I watched the buck come from 200 yards away right to the base of my tree, it was the oldest buck I had ever harvested and I was lucky enough to share that moment with my father. Looking back, I think that hunt is a big part of why I live in Ohio today.
Bowhunter TV / Bowhunter Magazine
My favorite animal to hunt: Elk, no question, no debate.
My favorite place to hunt: Arizona.
My best hunting memory: My most recent elk hunt in Arizona with my two sons. The amount of bugling was unreal and we went two for three with good bulls. It was an awesome opportunity to hunt together, which we don’t do nearly enough.
The Crush TV
My favorite animal to hunt: Obviously whitetails however, sheep have become a close second and there’s nothing like spot and stalk mule deer hunting!
My favorite place to hunt: Iowa! There’s no place like home! Also, every dime that we have ever made has gone to making our habitat the best it can possibly be!
My best hunting memory: This is a tough one as they all mean something special and I know it will just keep getting better as Cameron and Raygen start hunting with us. I love when Tiffany shot her first deer as she started to share her passion with me. But if I had to pick just one, my Kodiak brown bear was amazing!
The Crush TV
My favorite animal to hunt: Just like Lee I love to hunt whitetails especially since that was the first animal that I ever harvested and there’s just something about being able to walk out you back door and hunt. But I also love heading out west every fall and have developed a passion for hunting elk!
My favorite place to hunt: Iowa! Just like Lee, there’s no place like home and no other place that I’d rather be hunting especially when I’m with Lee! But I also love the mountains.
My best hunting memory: Every hunt has a memory all of them are great! It’s so hard to just pick one! My favorites always include when Lee and I are out there together no matter if we are successful or not. Of course as our kids get older I know it will just get better as Cameron and Raygen start hunting!
Everything Eichler
My favorite animal to hunt: Whatever is in season.
My favorite place to hunt: At home in Colorado.
My best hunting memory: Any hunt together as a family.
Grace, Camo, and Lace
My favorite animal to hunt: Elk. I absolutely love it and have been elk hunting since I was 10 years old. There is nothing better than a being out on a crisp September morning listening to bugling elk.
My favorite place to hunt: Colorado. I’ve elk hunted and mule deer hunted there a lot with our friends at QRS Outdoors. I love the mountains and especially during elk season the Aspen trees are gorgeous.
My best hunting memory: Turkey hunting with my whole family! When my sister and I were younger, both of us and my mom and dad would all get in a Turkey blind to hunt. This is truly where mine, my sister’s, and our mom’s passion for hunting started. I’m incredibly thankful that our dad introduced us to the outdoors and hunting together as a family.
Grace, Camo, and Lace
My favorite animal to hunt: Whitetail deer in Southern Illinois. There is so much potential to build a great storyline when hunting whitetail. I love watching them grow throughout the summertime and creating a plan on how to hunt them come Fall. This animal has taught me so much about the sport and a lot about patience.
My favorite place to hunt: Southern Illinois and Southern New Mexico. I have been born and raised in Southern Illinois and was first introduced to hunting here. The amount of wildlife in Southern New Mexico is unmatched and offers a wide variety of hunting opportunities.
My best hunting memory: When I had finally connected with a buck I called, “The Lucky Number 7.” He was my target buck of the season and was a huge, river bottom whitetail. I missed him during the first week of bow season in October and then had another encounter with him the next day, but couldn’t get a shot. After that, he went nocturnal until I got a picture of him at 7 o’clock in the morning on my Covert Scouting Camera. My dad and I set a tree stand the next day near that camera and waited for the right wind. The very first morning we got to sit that stand the big 7 pointer showed up and I made a perfect shot to seal the deal.
HeadHunters TV
My favorite animal to hunt: For me I love chasin ‘em all but if I had to pick one, it would be turkey in the spring! I just love yelpin at a turkey, the interaction and everything about it. For me it’s hard to beat, but Whitetail and Elk are right up there with it! I just love all hunting!
My favorite place to hunt: We are blessed to travel all over this beautiful country and hunt some truly incredible places, but I’d have to say my favorite will always be at home in the PA mountains. Reason being, it’s the woods that taught me to be a hunter, to respect animals, the outdoors and all God’s creation. It’s just always special to go back to your roots and hunt your home turf.
My best hunting memory: This is a tough one because I have so many memories in the woods I’m thankful for. However, my first buck is very special to me. I was sharing the woods with my grandpa who taught me when I punched my first buck tag. I can remember screaming out loud in the woods I was so pumped, and him hollering at me to hush up because he still had a tag. HA! It’s a hunt, a deer, a moment, a memory I will be forever grateful for!
HeadHunters TV
My favorite animal to hunt: Whitetails
My favorite place to hunt: My home farm in Missouri.
My best hunting memory: The first time I got to take my little girl Addie Jo to check trail cams on the farm with me.
My favorite animal to hunt: Alaskan Yukon Moose in the rut.
My favorite place to hunt: Yukon Territory
My best hunting memory: Shooting my largest archery mule deer on September 3, 2011. My wife and my best friend, which are my two favourite hunting partners, were with me. The hunt followed a fairy tale script, and the buck is now the “unofficial archery world record non-typical mule deer”. He scored 294”. It’s a day I will never forget.
My favorite animal to hunt: A definite toss-up between Elk and Mule deer… I really don’t know if I could choose one or the other! Both are such an incredible adventure in different ways!
My favorite place to hunt: British Columbia, Canada
My best hunting memory: My first Elk. Cody and I were both so out of our element on my first draw tag Elk hunt. We honestly didn’t have a clue what we were doing for the first few days. But after a week we got it figured out and called in a beautiful 6×6, away from his 30 cows. We were both so ramped up, we didn’t get any of the final stalk or the actual shot on video. After I shot him, I turned around to look at Cody and the video camera was lying in the grass behind him. It was such an over the top experience for both of us. It’s the only hunt we’ve ever done together that wasn’t documented on camera.
Red Rising
My favorite animal to hunt: Definitely Whitetails!
My favorite place to hunt: Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia and, of course, the Midwest.
My best hunting memory: Too many to choose from.
Rush Outdoors
My favorite animal to hunt: Whitetail
My favorite place to hunt: Wyoming
My best hunting memory: Last fall taking the mule deer in this picture in South Dakota.
Winchester Deadly Passion
My favorite animal to hunt: Moose and whitetail.
My favorite place to hunt: My favorite place to hunt moose is the Yukon with the northern lights, cool weather and beautiful scenery. For whitetail, its South Dakota.
My best hunting memory: I have a couple! One would be elk hunting 10-days after having Jax on Aug 20 with my husband Ben. We hiked between 10-15 miles a day and hunted the entire month of Sept looking for 2 big bulls. On Sept 27, Ben’s birthday we killed both of those big bulls with our bows. Truly one of the greatest feelings ever until we had to pack them out. Let’s just say my core strength was back after hauling both those bulls out on our back. Best and hardest hunt I’ve ever done considering the conditions. Another awesome memory for me is notching my tag on a 202-inch whitetail back when I was trying to get my start on the hunting industry. I had hunted my entire life but after hunting for over 40-days I was finally able to shoot my biggest archery buck to date. A pack of coyotes actually chased him to me and that will be forever engrained in my head, seeing that big buck run straight to me. This didn’t launch my career by any a stretch but did make me incredibly proud and helped keep me motivated to stay in the hunting industry and never quit. I always joke that there may be better hunters out there, but I will never be out worked! That’s a motto I’ve always lived by and has helped me in many areas.
Wired Outdoors
My favorite animal to hunt: Whatever is in season! Whitetail but Elk is a very close second.
My favorite place to hunt: My Home State of Pennsylvania, Number 2 is Kentucky.
My best hunting memory: Pretty much anything with my kiddos. I would have to say my son and daughter’s first deer!